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Integrating Cloud Retail In Google Merchant Center

Illustration of two people standing apart with a messy scribble connecting them, symbolizing the integration process. A woman on the left holds a clipboard, while a man on the right grips a shopping basket and phone. The scene is set against a green circle background, echoing themes of Cloud Retail synergy.

Google has introduced a new help page detailing the integration of Cloud Retail as a destination within the Google Merchant Center.

This feature is accessible through the “Manage Programs” section but is exclusively available to cloud customers and only within the standard Merchant Center interface, not in Next.

Users have also the option to manage the inclusion in Cloud Retail using two specific values, “cloud_retail” and “local_cloud_retail“, for both the “destination_included” and “destination_excluded” attributes.

Learn more about it here: Cloud Retail destination in Merchant Center.

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