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Google AI Enhances Product Prices With Automated Discounts

Illustration of a person sitting on a package, browsing a smartphone. Nearby are icons of a lipstick and a shopping cart, with a large green tag in the background, symbolizing online shopping.

Google’s Automated Discounts uses AI to optimize sale prices, boosting conversions and ROI. It dynamically adjusts pricing based on demand, competitiveness, and trends, ensuring consistency across shopping ads and product pages.

Key benefits:

  • Effective pricing with real-time adjustments.
  • Improved performance with higher profits and clicks.
  • Simplified setup and continuous optimization.
Illustration of a person sitting on a package, browsing a smartphone. Nearby are icons of a lipstick and a shopping cart, with a large green tag in the background, symbolizing online shopping.

Eligibility requires conversion tracking with cart data, specific product attributes, and seamless website integration. A gradual ramp-up applies optimized pricing to 10% of customers initially, then 90%. Performance metrics are accessible in the Automated Discounts tab in the Google Merchant Center Next.

Read the full update here: Set up automated discounts.

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