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AI-Driven Changes For Search Ads

Side-by-side images of a Google search on mobile for "naturally made moisturizers." The left showcases an AI-driven ad featuring "cBalm" at the top, while the right displays the same ad with a larger headline text, "Shop All-Natural Moisturizers.

Google has made an official announcement about AI-driven enhancements to its Search ads.

The company discovered that, in certain cases, ads with a single headline can outperform those with two. As a result, Google’s responsive search ads may now feature just one headline if it’s anticipated to boost ad performance.

Additionally, Google introduced campaign-level headlines, a feature that was first spotted in May 2023.

Also, Google advises the activation of account-level automated assets to ensure ads are as effective as possible. This represents a shift from the past when manually created assets were prioritized over automated ones. Today, automated assets can be displayed with or instead of manual ones, depending on their potential for improved performance.

For more details on these updates, consult the official announcement: Drive more performance from AI-powered Search ads with new asset changes.

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