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GA4 Conversion Import Updated

A screenshot of a Google Ads webpage displays a confirmation message: "You are almost done! You've created 1 new conversion action." A summary notes, "Submit lead form measured via 1 new GA4 conversion import." A blue "Finish" button at the bottom promises a simplified process ahead.

Dennis Westphal observed a new faster process for importing GA4 conversions into Google Ads.

Here’s a breakdown of the steps:

Step 1: Create a conversion action as usual.

Screenshot of a digital dashboard displaying a summary of goals. It features buttons for creating conversion actions and a list of goals with details. The section for setting up custom goals related to customer acquisition highlights the simplified process of GA4 Conversion Import from Google Ads.

Step 2: Choose what you want to measure.

Screenshot of a webpage for setting up conversion measurement via Google Ads. It displays options for tracking conversions on a website, an app, phone calls, or offline. A section to add a website URL is highlighted, and an illustration of gears and people underscores the simplified process.

Step 3: Input your website to be scanned.

A webpage interface titled "About your website" invites you to enter a web page URL for measuring GA4 conversions via Google Ads. It features a text box for URL input, along with a "Scan" button and a "Done" button at the bottom, streamlining the import process.

Step 4: Select your tag type: Google Ad tag or GA4.

Screenshot of a Google Ads setup page highlighting a simplified process. Options to measure conversions on a webpage or app are displayed, with GA4 Conversion Import recommended. "Titanium quick apply" is selected, and "Done" and "Google tag" buttons are at the bottom.

Step 5: Pick a conversion category.

Screenshot of a webpage titled "Set up your conversions." The page, part of the Google Ads Import Process, lists categories for measuring conversions like Purchase, Sign-up, Subscribe, and more, each with examples of GA4 Conversion actions linked to them.

Step 6: Choose your GA4 event or website conversion.

Screenshot of a web page interface for setting up conversions in Google Ads. It includes options to submit a lead form and add or edit GA4 conversion categories. An "Import Process" button is also present, with "Save and continue" at the bottom.

And you’re done! The updated flow ensures advertisers can easily connect GA4 conversions with Google Ads without confusion. 

A screenshot of a Google Ads webpage displays a confirmation message: "You are almost done! You've created 1 new conversion action." A summary notes, "Submit lead form measured via 1 new GA4 conversion import." A blue "Finish" button at the bottom promises a simplified process ahead.

As a reminder, in addition to this update, Google began implementing changes to the process of using GA4 conversions in Google Ads in July 2024.

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