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Two Shopping Sections in Search Results

The image showcases search results for "Nike Zoom Vomero 9," enhanced by SEO keywords. Sponsored ads highlight two shopping sections displaying Nike shoes: the first labeled "OFERTA Nike Air" and the second "Patrocinado: Estilos Parecidos." Blue arrows point to both sections.

Victor Sellés captured Google displaying two Shopping sections in the Search results simultaneously:

  1. The section we’re all familiar with.
  2. A new section dedicated to “Similar styles” related to the original search term.

These two sections don’t appear for every search related to products. It seems they might be exclusive to apparel-related queries. If you notice them in other categories, please share!

UPDATE: Szymon Kaczmarek shared a video of this feature on July 18th. His search was also related to clothing: “men’s turquoise linen shirt”.

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