The “Buy Now” feature, which lets users purchase a selected product by clicking the “Buy Now” button and being redirected to the merchant’s checkout with the product already in their cart, was previously available only for Free listings.
Now, Google has expanded this feature to include Shopping ads as well.
To create a faster purchase path, make sure to follow either of these two options:
- Checkout template in Google Merchant Center under Your Business > Business Info > Checkout > Edit checkout settings.
- Checkout_link_template attribute in the product feed for each product
However, retailers should be cautious, as this may impact cart abandonment rates, particularly for products that rely on detailed descriptions or in case of product variants (color, sizes and similar).
If your ecommerce site runs on Shopify follow these steps:
- In your Google Merchant Center visit Your Business > Business Info > Checkout > Edit checkout settings.
- Use the following checkout template:{id}:1
- Make sure to replace “” with your actual domain
Refer to this article for the step-by-step procedure: How To Add Shopify Checkout Link in Google Merchant Center
This news was also shared by Emmanuel Flossie.