Many consumers, especially Gen Z, leave most of their shopping for December, offering a significant revenue opportunity. By adopting effective strategies, businesses can capture these sales and boost year-end results.
- Catering to late-season shoppers is crucial: Younger consumers tend to make their purchases closer to the holidays, so targeting this last-minute behavior can drive late-stage conversions.
- Building consumer confidence is essential: Shoppers are more likely to make quick decisions when relevant information like pricing and reviews is easy to find, which also encourages future purchases.
- Optimizing omnichannel shopping experiences is key: Shoppers split their time between online and in-store, so offering options like curbside pickup and using Smart Bidding to track store visits can enhance customer satisfaction.
To learn more about maximizing success during post-Cyber Week, read the official article: Keep momentum post-Cyber Week to win this holiday season.