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New Conversion Report Launched for Sales & Leads

Screenshot of a summary page showcasing goal performance in a bar chart. It highlights results for two groups: Group 1 with 26 results totaling $26.00, including 9 contacts and 11 directions, while Group 2 has no results. A button for creating a conversion action is visible. Part of Google Tests for Things to Do optimization.

Giοrgos Touloumis has discovered a new conversion report that allows advertisers to analyze conversions, whether they are lead- or sales-oriented.

It can be found under Goals > Conversions > Summary and consists of two tabs:

  • Sales
  • Leads

This feature is likely designed for accounts with varied goals across different campaigns, enabling users to group and analyze them more effectively.

Here’s a screenshot Giorgos shared of the Sales tab.

Screenshot of a performance summary showing sales data from July 1 - Oct 13, 2023. Group 1: 6 page views. Group 2: 0 adds to cart. Group 3: Google ranks it among the Top 10 This Week with 155 purchases totaling $5.24K. Options include Goals, Diagnostics, and various settings.

Here’s a screenshot Giorgos shared of the Leads tab.

Screenshot of a Google digital marketing analytics dashboard showing a summary of conversions. The page includes sections for sales and leads, displaying metrics like results and related value, with options to add goals or create conversion actions to boost your standings in Top 10 This Week.
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